Craps Laying The Odds

How much odds do you guys usually lay on a 4 or 10 as compared to the other points? When I play the don't pass I lay the least amount of odds on the 4 & 10. Some of my biggest losses were from putting a huge lay bet behind my don't pass only to have the shooter immediately roll the 4 or 10. I find that if you are playing the don't pass and they make a couple of 4's and 10's, it's very hard to come back from that since winning only pays you half. Now I know people are going to say 'according to Win Craps you should break even over the long run', now that's over the long run, I was on a table today where the shooter made the point of 4 3 times in a row but couldn't make the 6. In the short term I've been on tables where the 4 & 10 were made more often than the 7.
Now when playing the passline I'm sometimes afraid to put down a big odds bet on the 4 & 10 unless I'm way up. If I'm down a lot it's very difficult for me to justify putting a bet down that I have a 33.3% chance of winning, even though it's going to pay me double if it hits and over 1,000,000 rolls I will break even. If I'm down to my last $100 and the point is 4 or 10 and I'm on the passline I usually don't put anything down or like $5
How much do odds do you like to bet on 4 or 10's passline or don't pass players compared to what you would put down on a 5, 6, 8, or 9?

An easy way to get favorable odds of winning each and every casino bet you make is to 'lay' a number at craps. No confusing combinations of bets or hedges are crucial to the concept; in fact, multiple lay bets shift the odds back to the bosses. “The act of making odds bets is called either taking or laying odds.” The Pass Line, Don’t Pass, Come, and Don’t Come bets are the heart of craps and all possess some common properties. They are standing bets, meaning they can either win, lose, or stand (remain in play) depending on the roll of the dice. The Lay Bet in Craps T he Lay bet is basically opposite of the Buy bet. You bet that a 7 will appear before one of the point numbers (i.e., 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10). For example, suppose you notice a temporary trend where the number 5 hasn’t appeared in the last 30 minutes.

IF I'm on the pass line, then I'll typically bet 3/4/5x, or just 2/2/2x odds, depending on how much $$ I have. I don't bet based on how much in chips I have, because I typically have way more in my pocket than I do in chips.
On the don't pass, typically will lay max odds on 4/5/9/10 and typically won't lay any odds against 6/8. Sometimes I'll even over lay the 4/10.
Then again, I don't play craps much since there's no edge. Have yet to play craps with an edge, but the day I do, I'll play as long as the edge presents itself.
Lay max odds and pay no attention to you past luck with any points. To keep it sane, just don't keep betting the DC, have a stopping point so you don't have too much in action.
You know damn well the Wizard would be clucking at you for cutting back on the odds based on the past luck you had on the number.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!” She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder

Lay max odds and pay no attention to you past luck with any points. To keep it sane, just don't keep betting the DC, have a stopping point so you don't have too much in action.
You know damn well the Wizard would be clucking at you for cutting back on the odds based on the past luck you had on the number.

Very good response.
I feel happier about some things, such as a DC bet that travels to the Four or Ten, but I neither increase nor decrease the money on it than if it had traveled to the SIX or the Eight.

How much do odds do you like to bet on 4 or 10's passline or don't pass players compared to what you would put down on a 5, 6, 8, or 9?

Playing pass line (and come) I typically bet single to double odds on 4,5,9,10 and double to triple odds on 6 and 8, depending on how I am doing. Sure sometimes the point hist when I under-bet it, and sometimes the 6 and 8 are wiped out by a 7-out in record time. And sometimes the reverse is true.
I've noticed that I need to be comfortable making a bet, or comfortable with the risk of making a baet, before I can make it habitually. For example, the good play is to let odds on come bets work on the come out roll. I know this, I even know why this is, and I rarely do it. Why? because I keep fretting about the big, bad seven which will eat my bets and not even spare the odds. The risk just seems too high and I'm uncomfortable with it.
It used to be that way with come bets at all, too, but I've gotten over it. What helped me was precise data on the risk vs reward I could expect, and practicing with Wincraps or other free craps games.
Donald Trump is a fucking criminal
On a 3-4-5X table I will often play 3-4-3X odds.
On a $10 line wager, that's $36 on point of 6/8 and $60 on all other points.
I know that mathematically this is a worse bet than laying full odds on all points.
If I'm at a $5 table, I sometimes do the same thing - $18/30/30 but for some reason the lower the original wager the easier it is for me to lay max odds.
I know that this plan is not logical.
I rarely make any other bet - I tend to play strictly DP+odds.
Today I had $175 in green chips and I wanted another green chip and the point was 10 so I did something that I now regret. I laid two green chips behind my $30 don't pass bet (point was 10) and I also put a hard 10 down for $10. A 10 immediately rolls easy! I lost $100 on that bet! Since I had the hard 10 covered, only one combination could kill me and guess what it did! Earlier at the table 4 or 10 was the point like 5 times in a row and only once did the shooter not make it. You can preach to me about odds all you want, the risk of losing $50 is not worth the reward of winning $25. Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Today I had $175 in green chips and I wanted another green chip and the point was 10 so I did something that I now regret. I laid two green chips behind my $30 don't pass bet (point was 10) and I also put a hard 10 down for $10. A 10 immediately rolls easy! I lost $100 on that bet! Since I had the hard 10 covered, only one combination could kill me and guess what it did! Earlier at the table 4 or 10 was the point like 5 times in a row and only once did the shooter not make it. You can preach to me about odds all you want, the risk of losing $50 is not worth the reward of winning $25. Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Two combinations could kill you. 4-6 and 6-4.

Today I had $175 in green chips and I wanted another green chip and the point was 10 so I did something that I now regret. I laid two green chips behind my $30 don't pass bet (point was 10) and I also put a hard 10 down for $10. A 10 immediately rolls easy! I lost $100 on that bet! Since I had the hard 10 covered, only one combination could kill me and guess what it did! Earlier at the table 4 or 10 was the point like 5 times in a row and only once did the shooter not make it. You can preach to me about odds all you want, the risk of losing $50 is not worth the reward of winning $25. Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

There is one thing that you forget.... Its an oldie but goodie..... Its called 'Sh*t Happens' LOL
One little suggestion I have for that might help in that situation is this... If you are playing the DP and a player hits 2 points and knocks you off. Leave him alone and wait for the next shooter. There are more than enough shooters that will throw a seven for you that to get murdered on the one 'good roll'.
Another one is 'thou shall not Hedge'.. If you are playing the DP and feel the need to cover your bet... Your mind is telling you to take it down.... Most players get very nervous when there don't pass bet lingers for 9-13 rolls. But what you should realize is that the odds are in your favor, stay with it.... But if you see a guy who is repeating numbers, and you get knocked off, just wait for the next shooter. Its simple...
You may have loss that one result, but as you play more, that loss will be an after thought....
'I'm a DO'er and you my friend, are a Don'ter' -Mark Walberg pain and Gain

Today I had $175 in green chips and I wanted another green chip and the point was 10 so I did something that I now regret. I laid two green chips behind my $30 don't pass bet (point was 10) and I also put a hard 10 down for $10.

The difference between wanting and needing gets me many times.
Why do you $30 don't pass bet?
Is this your system of play always?
That can not be the table minimum. just my opinion.
At $10 don't pass bet and always lay 2x odds ($40,$30 and $24) one would still have an average bet of $30
and would easily lose less over time verses always betting $30. not just my opinion.
Sure the comps would be way less than betting $30 dpass every come out roll
but I have a feeling they Craps table oddscould overcome an actual session loss.
Here is an example of this over the Zumma actual casino dice rolls
s1 = $10 don't pass bet and always lay 2x odds
s2 = $30 don't pass bet
They were offered unlimited casino credit so they had no problem making every bet they wanted to make.
s1 had a session loss of $195 and was way way down at one point
Looks like the comps at cash back ($435) gave s1 a session win.
sweet sugar sugar Sugar
s2 lost way more and was even way down at one point.
comps were way higher than s1 as it should be but not enough cash back to erase the session loss.
That had to be paid (the large loss) and not much of a sugar sugar taste from that.
of course, no don't pass player would ever just make bets without ever laying the odds in my opinion. I know I am wrong thinking that way.
at least we would hope not
my opinion, I would rather like being in s1 shoes than s2 shoes
more fun pulling out a win from cash back with comps when more of your money is on the odds bets
this was fun
I Heart Vi Hart

Understanding the Craps odds and bets that you can place is vital to ensuring you don’t lose all your money or embarrass yourself in a live game.

You might hear people shouting all types of lingo and vernacular terms such as “Horn Bets” or “Lay 10” which often confuse or put off even the biggest casino degenerates.

Thankfully, the rules of Craps are actually quite simple even if it takes time to learn the jargon. Make sure to read all information on this page, before You play craps for money.

Craps Table Odds

We can predict the odds of any particular number coming up on a roll and why the craps rules are made how you will see.

Craps Laying The Odds

For example: the odds for you to roll a 4 on your next roll are 11 to 1.

You can figure this out by taking the number of ways a four can be made with two dice (with a one and a three, a pair of twos, or a three and a 1) compared to the number of combinations that two dice can make, which is 36.

So we have a 3 in 36 chance, or 1 in 12 chance that a 4 will come up on any given roll. To express these odds as ‘against’, you would say the odds against rolling a four are 11 to 1 (think of it as 11 non 4’s to one 4 for a total of 12 rolls). The calculation we’ve just done determines the ‘true odds’ of rolling a 4.

As many of you may know, the casino doesn’t like to pay back its players with ‘true odds’, it prefers to alter them.

Craps rules, like so many other casino game rules, pay back odds which guarantee the house a profit in the long run. Say for instance you were to place a bet on ‘any sevens’, meaning you’re betting that the next roll will be a seven.

The odds against hitting a seven on the next roll are 5 to 1 (you can calculate that out the same way we did for 4), which means that if you bet one dollar and win, you deserve to win 5 bucks, but the casinos only pay you 4.

Most bets in most games at the casino have been altered in this way. In fact, this is exactly the phenomenon that gives the casino a house edge in many situations.

We’ve covered all the major types of bets and odds you receive here.

Understanding Craps Odds

For instance, odds can be related either as 2-1 or 2 to 1, where a 1 credit bet returns 2 credits. In other words, 2 to 1 odds returns the original 1 credit bet and a 1 credit profit.

The Best Craps Bets

The best bets in craps are the pass line bet, taking the odds, the don’t pass bar, the come bet, and placing the 6 or the 8. Let’s look at each:

Pass Line

This is the most basic and popular of bets when playing Craps. It has one of the lowest house edges (1.41%) and it is very simple to place. Betting on the pass line bet or betting “with the dice” is the most common bet in craps and you will see many players or shooters choosing it.

A pass line bet requires you to place chips on the “Pass Line” section of the table. If the shooter’s come out roll is a 7 or 11, you win even money (1:1). However, if the come out roll is 2,3 or 12 (craps) you lose.

If any other number is rolled (4,5,6,8,9 or 10) it’s called the point. The shooter continues to throw the dice until he/she roles a 7 or the Point. If the point is rolled first, you win even money. If the 7 is rolled first you lose your bet.

Interestingly, in a game of Crapless Craps, the ability to lose a Pass Line bet to craps on a come out roll is removed – hence the name “crapless” craps. This improves your odds of winning by removing the house edge and increasing your expected value.

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Don’t Pass Line

You can also bet on the “Don’t Pass” line, which is basically when you are betting or laying the shooter on his first roll. This is simply the opposite of the pass line bet and is also known as betting against the dice.

To make this bet place your chips in the narrower section just beyond the pass line labelled don’t pass.

If the shooter rolls a 2 or 3 (Craps) than you win straight away (1:1 even money). If a 7 or 11 is rolled before the Point is scored you lose. A 12 is considered a Push (draw) and normally you can relinquish this bet.

If any other number is rolled (4,5,6,7,8,9 or 10) this is established on the point number. After this happens you’ll win your money back if a 7 is rolled before the Point number, and lose if a 7 comes first.

Taking the Odds

After the point has been established, you can make an additional bet known as Taking the Odds or Pass Odds. You are betting on the Point number being rolled before a 7. The pay out odds are normally displayed on the Casino craps table.

The odds vary for different numbers based on the likelihood of them being rolled.

Normally, the payouts are as follows:

  • 4 pays 2:1
  • 5 pays 3:2
  • 6 pays 8 pays 6:5
  • 9 pays 3:2
  • 10 pays 2:1

The odds bet is the best bet you can make in the game of craps, because the house has no built-in advantage. Free odds bets are paid back at true odds, so when you’re making these bets the casino has no house edge whatsoever, it’s an even game!

Come Bet

This is similar to a Pass Line bet, but it is made after the point has been established (dealer button is ON). The next roll then becomes the Come Out roll for your bet and establishes your Point. The payout depends on the Point:

  • 7 or 11 pays 1:1 (also known as a Natural)
  • 2, 3, or 12 you lose your money (also known as Craps)
  • If neither of the above is rolled then (4,5,6,8,9 or 10) becomes the point for your bet. If a 7 comes before your point is rolled again you lose. If your point is won however your payout depends on the Point.

Come Bet Payouts:


Taking the Odds

This is similar to the Come Bet and has the same odds above (Come Odds). You can place this bet only after the point has been established. If the 7 is rolled before the point, you lose.

Laying the Odds

Opposite of Taking the Odds. This is a Don’t Pass Line bet which can be made only after the point has been established. If a 7 is rolled before the point, you win.

Laying the Odds Payout:


Don’t Come Bet

Oppose of Come Bet. This is similar to a Don’t Pass Line bet, but it is made after the Come Out roll. To make this bet all you need to do is to put your chips in the area labeled “Don’t Come” on the layout. You lose on a 7 or 11, and win on a 2 or 3. 12 is a “stand-off.”

Here you win if 7 rolls before your “come-point” is repeated, and lose if the “come-point” is made before a 7 is rolled.

Place Bets

You can bet on specific point numbers. If your number is rolled before a 7, you win. If a 7 comes before your point number, you lose. You’re paid out according to the table below.

Place Bets Payout:


Placing the 6 or 8

When you make a place bet you bet that one of the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 will be hit before a 7 is hit. You can make a place bet any time by throwing your chips on the table while telling the dealer ‘I want to place the 6’ or whatever number you want to place your bet for.

So, if the number you bet on is rolled before a 7 you win and you are paid as follows: 4 or 10 placed – 9:5 odds, 5 or 9 placed – 7:5 odds, 6 or 8 placed – 7:6 odds.

As you can see the best for you is to place a bet on 6 or 8, because these bets have the best odds and also they have a good chance of hitting.

If you get the feeling like you want to place the 4 or 10, you should buy them instead, because although there is a Vig (a fee for winning bets) on these numbers, the edge comes out in your favor, however slightly.

However, the pass line bet is still the best one with the best odds and in the long run you should stick with it.

Although you can technically place a place bet at any time, it is impossible for it to come into effect until the shooters point is set, therefore it is more acceptable to ask for this bet after the come out roll is over.

Craps table

Bets with Poor Craps Odds

Big 6/Big 8 Bet

This is a Bet on a Big 6 or Big 8, put down after the point has been established. If a 6 or 8 is rolled before a 7, you win (1:1). This is a bet that you should not play because you can Place a bet on 6 or 8 and receive better odds.

Field Bets

Kind of what the name suggests, field bets are open to everyone who bets on the next number rolled. To place one you simple throw your chips into the table (as little chips as possible) and tell the stick man what you want. The payout for field bets:

  • 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11 all payout 1:1
  • 2 pays 2:1
  • 12 pays out either 2:1 or 3:1 (depending on the casino)

Proposition Bets

Placed before any throw. The house edge on all of these bets are over 11%. Therefore, you should not bet these very often or you should hedge your bets when you do so.

You can bet on any number as follows:

  • Betting on the next throwbeing a 2, 3 or 12 (Craps)
  • Any Seven: Betting on the next throw being a 7
  • Eleven: Betting on the next throw being an 11
  • Horn Bet: Betting on the next number being a 2, 3, 11, or 12. The payout is determined by the number rolled

Proposition bets are those placed in the middle of the table layout, and those bets never have a good house edge. You should make these bets only for fun and to make your game more exciting.

So, here they are:

  • With the “any seven” bet you’re betting the shooter will hit a 7 on the next roll. It has a horrible house edge of 16.67%. Never make this bet.
  • With the “snake eyes” bet you’re betting the shooter will throw a two on the next roll.
  • With the “yo eleven” bet you’re betting the shooter will hit an 11 on the next roll.
  • With the “any craps” bet you’re betting the shooter will throw a 2, 3, or 12 on the next roll. It holds a house edge of over 11%
  • With the “any three” bet you’re betting the shooter will throw a 3 on the next roll.
  • With the “midnight” bet you’re betting the shooter will throw a 12 on the next roll.
  • With the “horn” bet you’re combining the snake eyes, 3, yo 11, and midnight bets.

Hardway Bets

Craps Laying The Odds Nfl Week 11

A Hardway Bet is also made regarding the outcome of the next die throw. A Hardway roll occurs when doubles are thrown with an outcome of 4, 6, 8 or 10.

For example: rolling a pair of threes would produce a “hard 6”. An Easy roll is produced when the same outcome is achieved, but without rolling doubles.

For the previous example, rolling a 4 and a 2 would produce an “easy 6”. For a Hardway Bet to win, the shooter must roll a double with an outcome of 4, 6, 8 or 10. The wager loses if either a 7 or any Easy number is rolled.

The Lay Bet

The lay bet is almost similar with the don’t pass and don’t come bets, because with this bet your are playing against the dice. You can make this bet at any time in the game and it can be placed on 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10. A lay bet wins when 7 rolls before the number.

7 is more likely to come up than any other number so the casino requires you to wager more than you could win. This bet also requires a commission of 5% on average. If the bet is on 4 or 10 you get 1:2 odds, on 5 or 9 2:3 odds, on six or 8 5:6 odds.

The Buy Bet

When you choose this bet it means that you will buy numbers instead of placing them.

The numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 can all be bought but there are only two numbers that really make buy bets worthwhile and those numbers are 4 and 10 because they pay off better than the other numbers. You win if the buy number comes up before a 7 is rolled.

The odds are higher for a buy bet. 2:1 on a 4 or 10 buy, 3:2 for a 5 or 9, or 6:5 for a 6 or 8. Player pays 5% “vigorish” to get true odds on all numbers.

Depending on how much you bet, buying a bet can make you more money in the end even after accounting for the ‘vig’. The odds are only in your favor on a buy bet for a 4 or 10, so stick with the place bet on any others.

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