It Not Really Gambling When You Never Lose

  1. It Not Really Gambling When You Never Lose Weight
  2. It Not Really Gambling When You Never Lose Your Life
  3. It Not Really Gambling When You Never Loses
  4. It Not Really Gambling When You Never Lose My Life

GAMBLING – You LOSE Every Time

Oh, it's not really gambling when you never lose. – Jennifer Aniston, actor. The world is like a reverse casino. In a casino, if you gamble long enough, you're certainly going to lose. But in the real world, where the only thing you're gambling is, say, your time or your embarrassment, then the more stuff you do, the more you give luck a chance to find you. Wisconsin, for example, doesn't allow any gambling losses against wins as an itemized deduction: if you lose, you lose; if you win, you lose. The Tax Code doesn't treat casual gamblers very well. On the one hand the odds are stacked against you winning (those fancy casinos were built on losers, not winners). Compulsive Gamblers Guilt Affects Their Gambling Addiction Recovery. When a compulsive gambler is in recovery, feeling guilty is one of the toughest areas to resolve for some people. Lose You Lyrics: I don't care what society thinks. They're nothing anyway. They're no better than me. Out there you just have to fit into a pattern that somebody's already laid out for you.


Ephesians4: 14 – That we henceforthbe nomore children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind ofdoctrine, by the sleight of men, andcunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

The word used for‘sleight’ means 'game or gambling, hence entrapping BY DECEIT.' Godis saying that He does not want His children to be tossed to and fro, and blownabout by all of men’s doctrines.

You have heard it saidthat lotteries and riverboat gambling and casinos all have some benefit –especially to senior citizens. IT IS A LIE FROM HELL! The acceptance ofhomosexuals into our society and the acceptance of gambling are two (2) ofthree (3) ways that will bring a country to its knees. All three combined andGod will allow the enemy to destroy any country, state or organization thatexists. REMEMBER, GOD DOES NOT AND CANNOT DESTROY anything. Only the adversarycan steal, kill, and destroy -- that is his ministry. First, let us see whatGod’s Word says in reference to Himself in I John.

I John 1:5 – This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you,that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

If this is true, thenhow can God destroy or kill people?! He cannot. You either believe the Word ofGod or you do not. Make up your mind now. If you want to believe what religionsteach or some idiotic television preacher, then CLOSE OUT THIS WEB SITE in thename of Jesus Christ. Go watch TV or go and listen to some idiot who attemptsto teach God’s Word but teaches worldly doctrine for his own glory. God’s Wordsays that he or she will get what they have coming to them. Now, do I soundreligious? Religion sickens people and turns them away from the Bible and it isrepulsive to God as He states in Isaiah.

Isaiah 1:13, 14, 15 – Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me;the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with [I CANNOT TOLERATE]; it isiniquity,even the solemn meeting. Your new moon and your appointed feasts my soul hateth:they are trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.And when ye spread forth your hands, I willhide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: yourhands are full of blood.


John 10: 10 – The thief cometh not, but for to steal, andto kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that theymight have itmore abundantly.

It Not Really Gambling When You Never Lose

Who is the thief? It isyour personal adversary and mine. He knows your old man like the back of yourhand. He knows your strengths and weaknesses. But what does God’s Word say inreference to His strength and the strength of CHRIST IN YOU if you study and renew your mind?

I John 4:4 – Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater ishe that is in you, than he that is in the world.


Everything that Godwants you to be involved in will result in a WIN/WIN outcome. When you are in abusiness transaction with anyone, BOTH parties should be satisfied or blessed.That is the way the true God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christdoes things. I was taught to do a job right or not at all. Surely God Almightycan do something so great that we cannot even comprehend it, only apprehend it.

I understand that thelure of gambling can appear harmless to many people. But the problem is this:There is one who LOSES and one who WINS. Let me go back to our win/win examplebefore we proceed any farther. Here is a simple scenario that we can all relateto:

You are selling a carand you, the seller, and the buyer, reach an equitable, fair agreement as tothe selling price. The buyer IS BLESSED with the price of the car AND you ARECONTENT AND BLESSED with the money you received to get rid of the car. This is a simple WIN/WIN situation. That is how Godwants every business transaction or any transaction at all to conclude.

I am not going to tryand quote you a lot of Scripture about a subject that is so obviously wrong. Iam going to give you real life examples of what can happen to you if you areenticed by gambling.

My earthly father likedto gamble on occasion. You see, the adversary makes it appear like a gambler isa big deal, while the enemy laughs to himself as he makes a fool out of aperson. Remember, he can only steal, kill, and destroy. My dad went to LasVegas one time and was playing a certain type of card game. Of course, theowners of these casinos have beautiful women coming around offering drinks forfree and they will offer many perks to a big time gambler. Why? BECAUSE THEY WANT YOUR MONEY. Why do you choose togive it to them? God will tell you why.

Galatians5: 22, 23 -- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, longsuffering,gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is nolaw.

The key word I want tostress in the above verse is the word ‘temperance’. The Lexicon defines this as‘self-control’. You will only manifest the fruit of the Spirit by operating thenine manifestations of the Spirit or at least some of them. You gamble becauseyou lack self-control. It is that simple.

What happened to myearthly father? HE LOST HIS HOUSE IN TWENTY (20)minutes. Somehow and only by the grace of God, he was able to win back what heoriginally lost. I never forgot what he told me. How could I?

In twenty (20) minutes,in Atlantic City, I once lost $90.00. It was the money I needed to get mymotorcycle out of the shop. I felt sick. I had to borrow the money to get mymotorcycle.

I watch older peoplestand in line like puppets waiting to spend their social security money onlottery tickets. It is really a sorry state of affairs when our legislatorsaccept and promote gambling. Did you ever here of an animal called a ‘lemming’?Every so often, they will gather at a cliff near the sea and jump off andcommit suicide. That is what people do when they gamble.

I knew an obsessivegambler who destroyed his life completely as a result of his habit. He became withdrawn,antisocial, and began to overeat until he became obese and dropped dead at 59years old. This person was a relative of mine and he had a good heart – deepdown he was suffering tremendously. He could not really enjoy any sports unlesshe bet on the game. Gambling is a sickening and nauseating trick of Satanhimself.

IICorinthians 11: 14 – And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into anangel of light.

It Not Really Gambling When You Never Lose Weight

In the Old Testament,you will find many references to a business transaction, sale, or agreement.The type of figure of speech used in olden times is the term 'striking ofhands'. This is like our handshake. Almost all agreements were made withthe conclusion being the striking of hands. It was not like today where youneed to sign a lot of papers and get an attorney to make sure you are not goingto get taken or even sued. Some attorneys are only out to get money – the morethe better. Not all of them. I had an attorney once meet me in a parking lot torepresent me in a trivial matter – he never met me before, BUT HE TOOK ARETAINER OF $500.00 FROM ME. Prior to this, he would not return my calls, shutoff his FAX machine so he could not receive my letter canceling his services,AND THEN CHARGED ME $450.00 to spend about 45 minutes with me. We went to amall to get a small snack – I PAYED -- he was CHARGING MEFOR THATTIME!!!!!!! Can you imagine? As a final bill, he charged me 25 cents for eachcopy and FAX related to my situation!!!!!!! It is almost unbelievable, is it not?I would not want to be that person. What a man sows is what he reaps and thereis no escape.

Colossians3: 25 – But he that doeth wrong shall receive [lambano -- in full] for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respectof persons.

It Not Really Gambling When You Never Lose Your Life


Psalms 70:2 – Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them beturned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.

It Not Really Gambling When You Never Loses

And yet this lawyer’sbrother is the most honest, effective, and merciful person you may want tomeet. You see, I thought I was hiring the brother, but he was out of town. Thereason I brought up legal entanglements is because, if you are a gambler, youmay need the services of a good honest reputable lawyer to help you out of themess you got yourself into. It may not be easy to find one. And then you mustpay attorney’s fees on top of the money you already owe to the gambling casino,or worse yet, to a loan shark.

It Not Really Gambling When You Never Lose My Life

Gambling is a clevertrick of the god of this world. I warn you from my heart – do not fall for it.It is designed to do only one thing – destroy your life and defeat you on everyhand. Only the Word of God rightly divided AND APPLIED defeats the adversary –do not ever forget that.

I John 4: 4 -- Ye are of God, littlechildren, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, that hethat is in the world.
